
Global Outreach

Jesus commanded his followers to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt  28.19) so that people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5.9) will one day worship joyfully before His throne. College Hill Presbyterian Church supports cross-cultural Christian workers around the world. Though their cultural contexts and ways of serving differ widely, they all share one goal: to bring the love of God through Jesus Christ in both word and deed to people who don’t yet know of God’s redeeming love for them.

Most of our global workers have been sent out directly from CHPC, and all keep in touch regularly. We support them with finances, friendship, and prayer. When they visit Cincinnati, look for them in services, and join us for a time to hear more detailed information on their work, and pray with and for them. 

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Swim Ministry

Swimming Instruction with an Eternal Difference

The Goal of the CHPC Swim Ministry is to equip students for what the American Red Cross describes as ‘survival’ swimming. An integral part of such survival is being relaxed and confident in the water so that swimming is fun. Our focus is not on speed or beautiful swimming. We prepare students for a lifetime relationship with water, including the Living Water, Jesus Christ…the rest will follow.

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